Monday, May 21, 2012

SMH!!! Man with 30 kids by 11 different women ask for a child support break

father of 30 kids

A 33 year old with 30 kids by 11 different women has the nerve to ask for a break with child support because the state is taking half of his minimum wage pay check.
smh...Desmond Hatchett has been known to brag on Facebook about how many women he sleeps with (ignorance at it's finest) and was even in the news for several child support cases back in 2009 when he only had 21 kids. After the interview, he became a local celebrity (SMH).. At that time, he swore he was done having babies.

I can't help but wonder... is this man mentally challenged? A even bigger question is... are the women who keep having babies by him mentally challenged themselves? We can't excuse the ladies from accepting blame.

Unfortunately Black men having multiple kids by multiple women while not providing for them is a common scenario in Our Black communities. TOO many of our black men are having babies and not being held accountable for them and TOO many women are allowing themselves to have babies with these no good type of men.

There are many reports that show the average inmate grew up without a father which lead to them being dysfunctional, frustrated, bitter boys and men who end up becoming killers, drug dealers...etc because they had no male guidance and felt abandoned by their fathers.

This cycle needs to be broken. Ladies, think twice about the men you decide to have children with. If you see he already has kids and he's not a father to them, don't assume he will change for you.
The 33-year-old Knoxville, Tenn., resident has reportedly set a Knox County record for his ability to reproduce. He has 30 children with 11 women. And nine of those children were born in the last three years, after Hatchett -- who is something of a local celebrity -- vowed "I'm done!" in a 2009 TV interview, saying he wouldn't father more children.

But Hatchett is back in the news this week because he's struggling to make ends meet on his minimum-wage job. His inability to make child-support payments on such a meager salary also means he's back in court again and again, most recently to ask for a break on those payments.
culled from:

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