Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The right Exercises

after reading this article, you would really want to know what the right exercises/moves are... guess what...
Butt - Bridge
Here are the right moves, all hand-picked by top fitness experts, to tone the trickiest areas of a woman's physique: butt, belly, arms, thighs, and hips.
To see real results in as little as four weeks, combine a few moves into a total-body strength-training session. Do it three times a week, leaving a rest day in between, and add three sessions of calorie-burning cardio on top of it. Then, load your grocery cart with foods rich in protein, fiber, and other nutrients--they'll give you the energy you need to power through your workouts, says Chicago fitness expert Lisa Payne.
Men are not left out ooo!
Butt - Curtsy lunge

Butt - Single-leg lunge to kick

Butt - Quadruped bent-knee hip extension
Thighs - PliĆ© squat
Thighs - Stability ball hamstring curl
Thighs - Tipping bird
Thighs - Romanian deadlift
Stomach - Plank
Stomach - Sprinter's sit-up
Stomach - Roll-out
Stomach - Standing wood chop
Arms - Downward facing dog through chaturanga
Arms - Tricep push-up
Arms - Deltoid lateral U
Arms - Rear fly with a resistance band
Hips - Beach bum
Hips - Standing cable hip abduction
Hips - Side plank on ball with lifted leg swing
Hips - Lateral lunge