Bad beauty habits to break,
1. Wrapping wet hair up in a towel:
The strengthening shampoo and conditioner you use aren't going to help
much if you gather your wet locks in a turban on top of your head
post-shower. "When wet, hair shafts are like loosened springs that
stretch and break more easily," says New York-based dermatologist
Jessica Krant, M.D. So rubbing your tresses with a towel, pulling them
into a too-tight wrap, or brushing or combing them too vigorously can
all break the hair shafts and lead to damaged, frizzy strands, Dr. Krant
Break it: Treat your locks with love by moving down
your mane in sections, gently squeezing and blotting out excess water
with a towel, says Maryland-based dermatologist Arleen Lamba, M.D. If
only a wrap will do, use a white cotton t-shirt instead of a towel, as
the fabric is gentler on hair. For tangles, first apply a de-tangling or
conditioning spray, and use a wide-tooth comb, which won't rough up the
cuticle as much as a brush does.