'Being Mandela' follows the lives of Zaziwe Dlamini-Manaway and Swati Dlamini, the granddaughters of Nelson and ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.
The 94-year-old former South African president doesn't appear in the show. However, Winnie does feature.
The 13-part series, which is being broadcast by the COZI TV network in the States, will follow the two 30-something sisters as they go about their everyday lives. Highlights will include a visit to the prison where their grandfather spent 18 years of his 27-year imprisonment.
Speaking about the show, Swati Dlamini revealed that she hopes her grandfather will tune in as he is already a fan of another US reality TV show, 'Toddlers And Tiaras'. MORE + VIDEOS after the cut...